5.1. The seller delivers many thousands of products and only a small fraction prove faulty. Of course, the seller understands how difficult this might be for you. That’s why we have no-quibble returns, refund or replacement policy to make sure our customers always feel they are receiving the highest levels of service.
5.2. You should check the goods as soon as they arrive, and let the seller know if there is any damage or if anything does not meet the terms of your contract. You should do this by letter, email or fax within seven days of delivery, excluding Saturday, Sunday or Bank Holidays.
5.3. We do not accept unauthorized returns. Regardless of the size of the item, you will need to contact customer services to arrange for the item to be returned. Refunds will not be issued unless returns have been arranged with our customer services team. To contact customer services to arrange for an item to be returned, please call 0333 220 6066.
5.4. When you return goods, you must make sure the order number is clearly visible on the packaging. You will find the number on the order confirmation email which is sent to you automatically once you have paid for the product. If you haven't got the order number, the seller will provide you with one.
5.5. If the seller decides that the damaged goods are due to your actions, you will be liable for the costs of making good the damage.
5.6. If you have bought the goods on the internet, by mail order or by phone/fax, you have the right, in addition to any other rights, to return the products and get a total refund. However, you must let the seller know by letter, fax or email with seven working days of the date of your purchase.
5.7. When you return products, their condition should be similar to that when delivered the seller. You should return the product complete will all packaging, if originally supplied. All the products you return should be complete, because incomplete returns will not qualify for a refund, and will be classified as unauthorised.
5.8. You must return the goods with your name, address, telephone number and email address. The seller may get in touch with you before the date the refund is due, to ask for the product’s serial number and the fault details to forward on to the manufacturer.